Deutsche Version von BAYregio-Starnberger-See

Karte vom Starnberger SeeGautingPerchtingStarnberg am Starnbergersee, Soecking, PerchaWuermtal mit Gauting, Planegg, Lochham, Graefelfing, StockdorfPossenhofen am Starnberger See, PoeckingFeldafing am Starnberger See, WielingTutzing, Traubing, Hotels, Ferienwohnungen, ImmobilienStarnberger See, StarnbergerseeBernried am Starnberger SeeSeeshaupt am Starnberger SeeIffeldorf an den OsterseenSt. HeinrichAmbach, Ammerland, Holzhausen, MuensingBerg am Starnberger See, Leoni, AufkirchenDie Osterseen mit Hotels, Ferienwohnungen, CampingplatzHotel Restaurant Cafe Tutzinger Hof in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeHotel Restaurant Tagung in OberambachHotel Restaurant SeeblickMöwe Hotel garni in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeFerienhaus Pietsch (Apartment / Ferienwohnung) in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeGasthaus zur Sonne in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnungen Lautenbacher in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeHotel zum Reschen in Tutzing, Familie HauerFerienwohnungen Wagner, Marie und Paul in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnungen Atelier Seeshaupt am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnungen Casa Allegro in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnung Rilk in Seeshaupt am Starnberger SeeSeehotel Leoni in Berg am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnung Tietze in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeHotel am See in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnung Riedl in Feldafing am Starnberger SeeLandgasthof Zum Brückenwirt in Starnberg / Percha am Starnberger SeeHotel Fischerhaus in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeHotel Engelhof in Tutzing am Starnberger SeeBauernhof-Ferienwohnungen Doasahof in Münsing am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnungen im Jägerhaus in Seeshaupt am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnung und Zimmer Haus Dietrich in Starnberg am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnung  Himbeerweg am Starnberger SeeFerienwohnungen Feldafing am Starnberger See

Lists with hotels and rooms and vacation rentals around the lake Starnberg
Vacations at the 5-Seen-Land
Additional informations for your vacations in the area around the lake Starnberger See and the five lakes county in the Southwest of Munich in Bavaria. You will find webcams, informations about restaurants, hiking-tours and much more...

Lake Starnberger See

The Lake Starnberg has a surface area of approximately 56 square kilometres (22 sq mi) which makes it to the fourth largest lake in Germany and a great place for sightseeing. The lake Starnberger See is located in the southwest of Bavarians capital, the beautiful Munich. The lake Starnberger See has a maximum depth of 127 metres, a lenght of 20.2 kilometers and a maximum width of 4.7 kilometers. There is a 46 kilometer long hiking / biking trail around the lake. Like the lake lake Ammersee, the lake Starnberger See developed as a result of the ice age glaciers melting.

Towns along the boarders of lake starnberg
Towns along the boarders of lake Starnberg.

The lake Starnberg / Starnberger See has a single, small island, the Roseninsel (Rose Island) with a royal villa of the former Bavarian King Ludwig II. The single outlet, called the Würm river (because of this river the lake Starnberg was called the Würmsee until the 1960s). Its major inflow comes from several small lakes in the south, the Osterseen.

beach at St. Heinrich at the Southern lake Starnberg
Beach at St. Heinrich at the Southern end of the lake Starnberg.

We are sorry for not having translated the extensive content of our BAYregio-Starnberger-See website. But we offer you this site in English and hope that by explaining the most important things you will not have any problems with the other sites in German language:

Accomodation / hotels / vacation rentals

On the following three lists / websites, you could look for your accommodation. Most of the hosts do have at least a basic knowledge of the English language, so just ask them what you would like to know. There are two easy possibilites for you:

Just choose the accommodation you are interested in. On the following page, there is a form called ''Buchung anfragen''. Fill in a short text, your preferred dates and your e-mail-address and click on the green button below. An e-mail with your message will be sent to the host/accomodation.

The other possibility would be, that you choose several accomodations by checking the small checkboxes next to each list item. Below the list, there is a green button which brings you to a form, where you could enter some basic informations like your preferred dates and your e-mail-adress. Then click on the green button below the form.

Lake Starnberg with Starnberg, Tutzing, Possenhofen, Feldafing, Berg, Seeshaupt und Muensing.
Steamship of the Bavarian Shipping Company.

On the following websites, we offer much more information and impressions with many pictures of the lake Starnberg.

Arriving ship
Arriving ship in Starnberg.

Big map of lake Starnberg

Starnberger See-Karte

Muensing at the lake Starnberger See
Real Estates in Muensing at the lake Starnberg.

Town around the lake

Die Osterseen bei Iffeldorf
Other lakes with the name Osterseen in the South of lake Starnberg.

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